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---- ERROR ----
Attempt = 1. No convergence after 25 iterations. Best iteration = 11.
Trying next attempt with a different set of statics parameters...
For the last attempted iteration the equation with the largest error
was PART line_5_linear_uniform.msc_truck_rigid_cab.ges_cab Error = 5.32182E+07
The variable receiving the largest increment
was JOINT line_5_linear_uniform.msc_truck_steer_suspension.jolrev_upright_to_axle Delta = 4.18849E+08
---- WARNING ----
The part 147, line_5_linear_uniform.msc_truck_trailer_wheels_2.whr_outside_wheel, may be a free body.
---- ERROR ----
Static equilibrium analysis has not been successful.
Restoring the input initial conditions...
**** Error:
Sim/stat cannot be achieved.
---- ERROR ----
Aborting Execution.
Terminating Adams/Car usersubs...
Adams/Solver execution terminated by subprogram ERRMES
CPU time used = 1.9688 seconds
Simulation is complete. |