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[分享] MCE-5发动机视频



发表于 30-4-2009 11:11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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 楼主| 发表于 30-4-2009 14:20:11 | 显示全部楼层
网页翻译,原址   谷歌搜素打入www.mce-5.com可翻译网页。

Stage 1&2 阶段1 & 2  

Period: from September 2000 to March 2004 日期: 2000年9月至2004年3月

Budget: 1.5 Million Euros 预算: 150 万欧元

F our years were necessary to the MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company to define strong technological basis for its technology. Thanks to these studies, the MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company has a particular knowledge and know-how related to piston-to-crankshaft power transmission by means of gears and rollers. F我们来是必要的德育- 5开发公司强大的技术来确定它的技术基础。由于这些研究,德育- 5开发公司有着特殊的知识和专门技能有关的活塞对曲轴传动的手段齿轮和辊。

This first stage has been carried out under collaboration between the MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company, a major European carmaker, the CERTAM engine research center, and about 20 French SMEs. 这第一阶段已开展的合作造影- 5开发公司,欧洲主要汽车制造商,发动机的CERTAM研究中心,和大约20名法国中小型企业。 The viability and reliability of the MCE-5 concept have been demonstrated. 的可行性和可靠性 , 德育- 5概念已被证明。

A special program (stage 2) has been carried out to design, manufacture and test the MCE-5 control device, resulting in a fully operational Compression Ratio control jack. 了一项特别计划(第二阶段)已进行了设计,制造和测试的德育- 5控制装置,造成一个全面运作的压缩比控制杰克。

Stage 3 第3阶段  

Period: from September 2002 to March 2005 日期: 2002年9月至2005年3月

Budget: 2.5 Millions Euros 预算: 2.5亿欧元
With the support of ?PREDIT? French national transportation program, the MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company, the major European carmaker and the CERTAM engine research center have engaged the ?IMPACT? program to develop the second generation of MCE-5 prototype. 的支持下 , ? PREDIT ?法国国家运输计划,德育- 5开发公司,欧洲主要汽车制造商和CERTAM引擎研究中心进行的?打假?程序开发的第二代造影- 5的原型。

This prototype is actually designed and integrates lighter and more efficient components, conforming to mass-production requirements. 这实际上是原型设计和集成更轻和更有效的组成部分,符合大规模生产的要求。

Mass-production processes and costs for these 2nd generation components have been identified, as well as extra cost for the MCE-5 technology (between 350 and 500 Euros per vehicle). 大规模生产流程和成本为这些第二代组成部分已确定,以及额外费用的德育- 5技术( 350至500欧元每车) 。

In 2005, the ?IMPACT? program permits to precisely compare the MCE-5 friction losses to those of a conventional reference engine specially designed for this experiment (same bore, stroke, components, materials, lubrication, etc…). 2005年, ?打假?节目许可证精确比较德育- 5摩擦损失的那些传统的参考引擎 , 专为这个实验中(同口径,中风,元件,材料,润滑油等... ) 。 The conventional reference engine also permits to compare noise emissions and vibration levels on load-speed combinations that are representative of different driving conditions. 传统的参考引擎还允许比较噪音和振动的排放水平负载速度组合代表不同的驾驶条件。

Long endurance tests will be carried out (more than 1,000 hours at various loads and speeds, and under extreme conditions). 长期耐力测试将进行(超过1000小时 , 负荷和速度,以及在极端条件下) 。

MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT SA 德育- 5开发公司  21 avenue Georges Pompidou 21路蓬皮杜  F-69486 LYON Cedex 03 架F - 69486里昂Cedex 03  FRANCE 法国

Stage 4 第4阶段  

Period: from May 2005 to July 2007 期间: 2005年5月至2007年7月

Budget: 10 to 15 Millions Euros 预算: 10至15亿欧元
This program will give a reliable answer to all remaining questions related to the MCE-5 technology. At the end of this stage, a 4-cylinder engine will be mounted on vehicles. 该计划将提供可靠的解决所有遗留问题有关德育- 5技术。在结束这个阶段,一个4缸发动机将安装在车辆。 This 4-cylinder engine will be perfectly representative of a mass-production engine integrating an MCE-5 VCR engine block. 这4缸发动机将完全代表大规模生产引擎集成造影- 5录像机发动机缸体。

Production processes, costs, and sub-contractors will be identified to allow short-term mass-production of the entire MCE-5 VCR engine block. 生产工艺,成本,及分包商将确定允许短期大规模生产的整个德育- 5录像机发动机缸体。

The project is financed by the MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company, by major automotive suppliers and OEMs and by license granting to carmakers. 该项目资助的德育- 5开发公司,由主要的汽车供应商和原始设备制造商和汽车制造商给予许可。

R&D program will be carried out under collaboration by several laboratories, engine research centers, engine OEMs and industrial companies that are well-known for their know-how, excellence and strategic position on the worldwide automotive industry scene. 研发计划将下开展合作的一些实验室,研究中心发动机,发动机原始设备制造商和工业公司 , 是众所周知的诀窍,卓越的战略地位和对全球汽车工业现场。

At the end of this R&D program (mid-2007), an operational 4-cylinder MCE-5 vehicle will be delivered to MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company’s clients (carmakers). 在本月底研发计划( 2007年中期) ,业务4缸德育- 5车辆 , 将交付给德育- 5开发公司的客户(汽车) 。

This vehicle will permit to measure the impact of the MCE-5 technology on vehicle performance and emissions, to test its robustness and reliabilty in various driving conditions, and to evaluate its conformity to various commercial strategies. 这种车辆将允许测量的影响造影- 5技术对车辆性能和排放,以检验其耐用性和可靠性在各种驾驶状况,并评价其是否符合各种商业战略。

In addition to vehicles, engines will be delivered for various evaluations on test bench (endurance, SFC, pollutants emissions), and implementation of different VCR strategies. 除了车,发动机将交付各种评价测试(耐力,证监会,污染物排放量) ,并实施不同的录像机战略。

The 4-cylinder MCE-5 VCR engine will have the following features: 在4缸德育- 5录像机引擎将具有以下特点:
Main characteristics: 主要特点:


Architecture: 建筑:  
in line 4-cylinder 按照4缸

Capacity: 容量:

1,484 cm3 一四八四立方厘米

Bore: 缸径:

75 mm 75毫米

Stroke: 中风:

84 mm 84毫米

Compression Ratio - min: 压缩比-民:

6.7:1 6.7:1

Compression ratio - max: 压缩比-最高:

18:1 18时01分

Max power: 最大功率:

160 kW 160千瓦

Max torque: 最大扭矩:

300 Nm 300牛顿米

Engine block size: 发动机缸体大小:

3 3

Height from crankshaft axis 高度从曲轴轴线

to cylinder head gasket mating surface: 到汽缸垫片交配表面:

241 mm 二百四十一毫米

Length: 长度:

identical to that of a L4 75 mm bore 相同的第4层75毫米口径

conventional engine 常规发动机

Width max: 最大宽度:

about 30 mm more than a 1.5 L 约30毫米以上1.5 L

Width min: 宽敏:

about 40 mm more than a 1.5 L 约40毫米以上1.5 L

Engine mapping will be optimized on delivered vehicles. 引擎将提供优化的车辆。

MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT SA 德育- 5开发公司  21 avenue Georges Pompidou 21路蓬皮杜  F-69486 LYON Cedex 03 架F - 69486里昂Cedex 03  FRANCE 法国
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Bravo! C'est formidable!
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