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发表于 10-10-2008 11:31:25
Another difference among manufacturers is the
number and location of dimensions measured.
Two manufacturers, companies D and E, collect
less data on their stamped panels than the other
manufacturers, and primarily collect data from
points located in more rigid localized part areas.
Although a body side outer panel tends to be flimsy,
certain areas in highly formed sections of the
part, such as the door openings, are typically
more rigid than the tail or wheelhouse areas.
Control of these more rigid areas often is more
important than other areas because they are less
likely to conform to reinforcements during assembly.
As has been shown, dimensions on less rigid
parts tend to have greater variation. In order to
illustrate the impact of dimension location, Table
17 below shows the body side variation for companies
D and C. At company D, 24% of their body
side dimensions have an average standard deviation
greater than 0.2 mm. Company D measures
near the A- and B-pillars and on the flanges in the
door openings. In contrast, company C measures
dimension throughout the body side and has 73%
of their dimensions exceeding 0.2 mm. However,
when comparing dimensions in similar locations,
the variability at company C more closely resembles
company D. Thus, the expected variation on
a stamped panel appears dependent upon where
the dimension is located and how rigid the part is
at that location.
Figure 11. Average Variation (Standard Deviation) by Type of Part
Body Side Non-Rigid Rigid (guage>1.5)
Average part-part
E, F, G simple
6 =1
Table 17. Effect of Dimension Location on Variation
Company Dimension <0.2 >0.2
D 14 76% 24%
C 40 27% 73%
C 14 (common with D) 60% 40%
3.2.2 Variation Over Time
In theory, part to part variation produced from a set
of dies on the same press line should remain constant
over time. In practice, part-to-part variation
does vary for some dimensions. Variables that
may affect part-to-part variation over time include:
• The condition of the press line, a function of the
level of maintenance of the presses,
• The condition of the dies, a function of die maintenance
and engineering change rework, and
• Processing variables, such as the control of
cushion pressure, material handling, automation
between presses, etc.
Although many of these changes often are associated
with mean shifts, part-to-part variation can be
affected as well. Table 18 below shows that partto-
part variation typically increases from part
approval runs to regular production. These data
suggest that the average six sigma increases from
0.8 mm to 1.2 mm after more than a year in production.
The most likely explanation for this difference
is that operating conditions at buyoff are
substantially more controlled than in regular production.
Although the overall variation increases,
not every dimension exhibits an increase. Figure
12 below compares the observed part-to-part
standard deviation at buyoff versus regular production.
This illustration indicates a general lack of
correlation between part approval variation and
regular production. For some dimensions, the variation
increases and for others it decreases,
although more dimensions have higher part to part
variation in production.
Table 18. Part-to-Part Variation: Home Line Approval vs. Production by Company
Note: production data 1 year + after home line buyoff
Company # Parts Average Average % Dimensions % Dimensions
(# Dimensions) 6 part-part 6 part-part 6 part-part>1 6 part-part>1
A 1 (37) 0.79 1.16 14% 48%
B 5 (132) 0.96 1.32 26% 48%
C 39 (327) 0.84 1.14 23% 38%
Home Line Production Home Line Production
Figure 12. Part-to-Part Variation: Home Line Tryout Approval vs. Production by Dimension
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Correlation, R = .21
part-part – Home Line Tryout Approval
part-part – Production
3.2.3 Impact of Shipping on Variation
As previously mentioned, part shipping from the
stamping plant to the assembly plant caused several
mean dimensions to shift, particularly for the
non-rigid wheelhouse outer panels. This section
examines the effects of shipping on variation. As
noted earlier, some potential operator noise exists
because different operators measured the panels
before and after shipping. However, this operator
effect is unlikely to be significant, as the panels
were measured using the same fixtures and automated
CMM programs.
Table 19 below indicates that part-to-part variation
increased on 87% of the dimensions for the four
parts: wheelhouse outer, quarter inner, A-pillar
reinforcement, and B-pillar reinforcement, with a
lesser increase on the more rigid components, the
A- and B-pillar reinforcements. Clearly, part shipment
increases part-to-part variation.
Table 19. Summary of Remeasured Data Before and After Shipping (via truck)
Panel Measurement Points Variation Increased
Wheelhouse Outer 69 91%
Quarter Inner 91 92%
B-Pillar Reinforcement 59 86%
A-Pillar Reinforcement 70 76%
3.2.4 Components of Variation: Part-to-Part,
Run-to-Run, and Begin-End of Run
Stamping variation may be broken down into three
components of variation: part-to-part, run-to-run,
and begin-end of run (see Section 2.0). Total variation,
total, is a statistical summation of these three
variation components. One reason for looking at
the components of variation individually is that the
each is a reflection of different root causes. Table
20 below shows the part-to-part and total variation
for each auto company's body side outer panel.
Table 20. Summary of Part-to-Part and Total Variation for the Body Side Outers
Body Side # cross car Average Average % Dimensions
Company Type clamps in fixture 6 part-part 6 total 6 total >1.5
A Integrated Quarter 11 1.14 1.41 29%
B Integrated Quarter 14 1.09 1.93 57%
C Two-piece 7 0.99 1.88 42%
D Two-piece 8 0.99 1.21 23%
E Two-piece 22 0.48 0.52 0%
F Two-piece 16 0.32 0.49 0%
G Integrated Quarter 17 0.40 0.77 3%
Companies E, F, and G, which used the most constrained
measurement systems at 16, 17, and 22
clamps respectively on the body side outer panel,
have the lowest part-to-part and total variation.
Comparing companies C and D, excluding the
clamping effect, showed that although the two
manufacturers exhibit similar part-to-part variation,
company C has much higher total variation. Figure
13 below shows that company C has significantly
more run-run and begin-end of run mean shifts.
Thus, company C does not appear to control their
process as well as company D. A similar finding is
observed in comparing companies A and B with
company D. Among companies E, F, and G, the
constrained measurement companies, company
G appears to have less control over their mean
shift variation. In general, manufacturers with similar
panels and similar checking systems should
have similar levels of dimensional variation. When
they do not have similar levels of variation, the difference
typically is not related to inherent part-topart
variation, but rather to how well one manufacturer
controls its process over time.
Table 21 on page 27 shows the amount of variation
for each of the parts studied at company A, by
source of variation. The sample size for each type
of panel is 36 right and 36 left, or 72 total for each
type. The numbers expressed in Table 21 are
averages across all the dimensions on a part and
therefore are non-additive. These data indicate
that less rigid panels exhibited the largest part-topart
and mean shift variation. Interestingly, the
variation for a particular component is not always
the same for right and left mirror image parts. At
company A, the right hand body side outer
exhibits significantly less variation than the left
side. Overall, variation at company A is relatively
low with the exception of the left body side.
Although part-to-part variation is typically larger
for a one-piece body side, the principal reason
that the left side has significantly higher variation
than the right side is due to mean shifts between
stamping runs.
Figure 13. Components of Variation for Body Side Panel at Company C and D
(Note: total is greater at Company C due to mean shifts not part-part variation)
% of Total Observed Variation
Part-part Run-run Begin-end of run
Company C Company D
90th Percentile part-part C: 0.27 D: 0.24
90th Percentile total C: 0.47 D: 0.29
Table 22 below shows the percentage of total variation
at company C according to variation source:
part-to-part and mean-shift (run-run and/or beginend).
The effects of mean shifts at company C are
more significant than company A. The variation of
the body side, front pillar and center pillar reinforcements
are approximately doubled due to
mean shifts. An analysis of the roof rail and windshield
frame suggests one potential challenge in
assessing mean shifts. Because analysis of variance
methods are used to estimate mean shift
variation, higher part-to-part variation will mask
mean shift variation. In other words, the true mean
shift variation cannot be effectively evaluated if the
inherent variation is unstable, a violation of the
homogeneity of variance assumption used in
ANOVA models.
Table 21. Sources of Variation by Part for Company A
Average Average Average Average % of Variation
Part run-run begin-end part-part total Explained by
Mean Shifts
Body Side - RH – 0.15 0.19 0.24 31%
Body Side - LH 0.26 0.15 0.26 0.34 43%
Quarter Inner 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.10 43%
Wheelhouse Outer 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.14 50%
B-Pillar Reinforcement 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.08 59%
A-Pillar Reinforcement 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.08 28%
Table 22. Sources of Variation by Part for Company C
Average Average Average % of Variation
Part mean-shift part-part total Explained by
Mean Shifts
Body Side - RH 0.26 0.17 0.31 79%
Roof Rail 0.23 0.28 0.34 32%
Front Pillar Upper 0.16 0.09 0.18 76%
Front Pillar Lower 0.15 0.09 0.18 76%
Center Pillar 0.21 0.08 0.23 92%
Windshield Frame 0.15 0.20 0.22 22%
3.2.5 Steel Properties and Press Setup
Control and Stamping Variation
These case studies under production conditions
provide an opportunity to investigate possible root
causes of mean shift variation. Short-term or partto-
part variation is assumed to result from several
factors related to product design, part size and
rigidity, die design, stamping press condition or
the measurement system. Mean shift variation runto-
run and within run, however, is generally related
to changes in the process over time, such as the
repeatability of press setup or changes to material
properties. Although this study did not provide an
opportunity to rigorously control variables to
ascertain direct cause and effect relationships
between process input variables and variation, it
does allow for some general conclusions regarding
the causes of mean shifts.
Five manufacturers collected input data for both
process and material variables across thirty parts.
(companies E and F did not participate). They collected
this data for each sampling of three panels,
or, in some cases, once per run. The material
coupons were analyzed later, either at an independent
test laboratory, three participants, or inhouse,
two participants. The following variables
were collected when possible:
• Process data (at each setup)
- Draw press shut height
- Draw Tonnage
- Die cushion pressure (if applicable)
- Outer ram tonnage (if double-action
press used)
• Material data (a steel coupon was sampled
when a sample of parts was taken from the
production run)
- Gauge
- Yield strength
- Ultimate strength
- n-value
- Percent elongation
Due to data collection limitations, it was not possible
to match process and material variable data
directly to a particular panel. For example, the
material properties of the steel for each individual
panel are unknown. Thus, the analysis is limited to
trying to explain mean shift variation and not partto-
part variation. For instance, if mean shifts
account for only 20% of the total observed variation,
then the most variation that can be explained
with the input variables collected is 20%. This
analysis only identifies relationships between
control of input variables and mean shifts.
Of the thirty parts with process input data, approximately
33% of the dimensions, 330 out of 1135,
had at least one large mean shift greater than 0.5
mm over the data collection period. Thus, prior to
any mean shift analysis, over two-thirds of the
dimensions studied were found robust to the variability
of their respective process and material
input variables.
The next step was to examine the relationship
between process variable control and mean-shift
variation. Table 23 below compares mean shift
variation with process input variation using
allowed ranges. Allowed ranges are essentially the
tolerances of the process and material input variables.
Thus, if manufacturers control their
process-input variables within these ranges, they
should not observe significant mean shifts related
to these variables. Generic allowed ranges are
used instead of tolerances to permit comparison
among manufacturers with different process and
material variable specifications. Furthermore,
since this analysis only looks for relative variation
differences, the nominal or average value of each
variable is not important.
Table 23. Summary of Product and Process Variation Compliance
% Parts within Correlation, R,
Variable Robust Range Robust Range to mean-shift
Material Gauge 0.06 mm 96% 0.23
Yield Strength 6 ksi 95% 0.22
Ultimate Strength 6 ksi 92% 0.24
% elongation 9% 100% 0.19
n-value 0.04 100% 0.09
Inner Tonnage 60 tons 45% 0.69
Outer Tonnage/Cushion 50 tons/+/- 10% 48% 0.47
Table 23 shows that most steel variables, 92% to
100%, fall well within their expected ranges of
variation. Consequently, it is not surprising to see
that their correlation with mean shifts is relatively
low with values ranging from 0.09 to 0.24, where 0
has no correlation, 1.0 is a perfect correlation and
a value greater than 0.6 is considered correlated.
In general, the steel manufacturers studied had
control of their variation, and even when they did
not, material property variability could not be
correlated with dimensional mean shifts.
The process variables of inner tonnage, outer tonnage,
and cushion pressure, had considerably
more variation and operated within the allowed
range only 45% to 48% of the time. The result was
a much higher correlation to mean shifts.
Presumably, the opportunity for variation reduction
for these part dimensions is significant if the press
setup variable of tonnage and cushion pressure
can be controlled more tightly. Figure 14 below
suggests an observed threshold of around 75 tons
as the limit to the allowable range of variation for
controlling dimensional mean shifts. Note that
these observed ranges relate only to dimensional
mean shifts and do not consider potential impacts
on formability issues such as splits or wrinkles.
A few additional comments with respect to this
analysis are appropriate. First, tonnage readings
may be affected by several setup variables such
as lubrication, die placement in press, shut height,
etc., and thus the correlation to mean shifts should
be viewed principally as an indicator of lack of
process control. Second, the relationship between
tonnage and mean shifts over a continuous range
of tonnage settings was not analyzed scientifically
for every part. Therefore, these data should not be
used to identify tonnage specifications for a particular
part. Rather, simply recognize that those
parts in this study exhibiting large mean shifts
tended to have relatively poor control of the
process variables but good control of the material
Figure 14. Relationship between Press Tonnage and Mean Shift Variation ( mean shift)
0 100 200 300 400
Range of Draw Die Tonnage
Range 90-300
3.2.6 Effect of Mean Shifts on Statistical
Process Control Techniques
All manufacturers in the benchmark study exhibited
some level of mean shift variation for the majority
of their part dimensions as shown in Table 24 on
page 30. Of the 1287 dimensions examined,
approximately 80% would have at least one subgroup
plot out-of-control on an X-bar chart.
However, only 20% of the dimensions had a mean
shift greater than 0.5 mm. Note that the majority of
these mean shifts occurred on the parts at
companies B and C. Again, these mean shifts
largely explain why certain manufacturers have
more variation in their process than others.
The fact that such a large percentage of dimensions
would plot out-of-control on an X-bar chart
has serious implications for process control. One
interpretation is that stamping and die processes
by nature are not stable enough to produce parts
with stable mean dimensions, even at world-class
facilities. Another interpretation is that the part-topart
variation of a stamping process often is so low
that even well maintained processes will exhibit
some process drifts over time. Assuming, for
example, that the inherent standard deviation of a
stamping process is 0.10 mm, a process will be
deemed statistically out-of-control if a mean shifts
by more than 0.15 mm(2). Most manufacturers
would not want to adjust a process for a 0.15 mm
mean shift.
Assuming that small mean shifts are inevitable
with the die changeover process, the traditional
use of X-bar charts to assess mean stability may
be unnecessarily stringent. The small part-to-part
variation results in tight control limits, and this in
turn results in many out-of-control dimensions.
Since small mean shifts rarely affect assembly
builds, manufacturers using control charts often
ignore the results. This is true even if larger shifts
are observed. The main concern with X-bar/
Range charts for stamping is that they do not
effectively separate problems from insignificant
process changes. One approach to desensitize
charts is to replace X-bar/ Range charts with
Individual and Moving Range charts.
Individual and Moving Range charts are based on
subgroup sizes of one. Control limits to assess
mean stability are then based on moving ranges.
Because moving range values are based on consecutive
subgroups, variation estimates reflect the
part-to-part variation and some mean shift variation.
Table 25 on page 31 presents process control
data for a stamping dimension. Using traditional Xbar
charts, this process would be considered
unstable or out-of-control as shown in Figure 15,
on page 32. Interestingly, if only the first observation
in each subgroup is measured and Individual
and Moving Range charts are used, this same
process would be deemed in control. The reason
is that Individual charts based on moving ranges
are less sensitive than X-bar charts if small mean
shifts are inherent to the process. Of course, with
individual and moving range charts, large significant
mean shifts may still be identified.
Table 24. Summary of Mean Shift Variation across Companies
# of Average % Dimensions w/ % Dimensions
Company Dimensions total Significant Mean Shift [mean shift> .5]
A-RH 329 0.12 80% 3%
A-LH 282 0.15 88% 12%
B 262 0.36 80% 51%
C 143 0.28 84% 31%
D 62 0.19 85% 3%
E 41 0.09 34% 0%
F 61 0.10 82% 3%
G 107 0.15 82% 14%
Total 1287 0.18 81% 19%
2 The control limit for an X-bar chart is equal to A2(n) x d2(n) x part-part, where A2 and d2 are functions of subgroup size. If the subgroup
size, n, is equal to 4, then the control limits are +/-0.729 x 2.059 x 0.1 or +/- 0.15mm.
Table 25. Process Control Data
Subgroup Sample Sample Sample Sample X-bar Range X Rm
(i) 1 2 3 4 (i) (I) (I=2) (I)
1 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.50 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.00
2 0.25 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.36 0.25 0.50 0.20
3 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.25
4 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.25 0.40 0.20 0.05
5 0.90 0.75 0.85 0.70 0.80 0.20 0.75 0.55
6 0.65 0.40 0.50 0.90 0.61 0.50 0.40 0.35
7 0.20 0.40 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.20 0.40 0.00
8 -0.10 0.10 0.25 0.20 0.11 0.35 0.10 0.30
9 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.28 0.05 0.30 0.20
10 0.40 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.24 0.30 0.25 0.05
11 0.40 0.65 0.50 0.30 0.46 0.35 0.65 0.40
12 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.25 0.40
13 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.15
14 0.40 0.30 0.70 0.50 0.48 0.40 0.30 0.20
15 0.30 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.05 0.25 0.05
16 0.35 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.46 0.25 0.60 0.35
17 0.15 0.15 -0.05 0.05 0.08 0.20 0.15 0.45
18 0.60 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.30 0.15
19 0.70 0.55 0.65 0.50 0.60 0.20 0.55 0.25
20 0.75 0.60 0.90 1.00 0.81 0.40 0.60 0.05
21 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.40 0.28 0.25 0.20 0.40
22 0.30 0.50 0.25 0.60 0.41 0.35 0.50 0.30
23 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.18 0.05 0.20 0.30
24 0.30 0.55 0.40 0.50 0.44 0.25 0.55 0.35
25 0.75 1.00 0.85 0.65 0.81 0.35 1.00 0.45
Average 0.38 0.26 0.39 0.25
The use of Individual and Moving Range charts for
stamping processes solves the problem of oversensitive
control charts; however, it does not necessarily
result in better process control. The fundamental
problem with statistical process control
charts for stamping is that they merely expose
mean shifts. Effective process control requires an
understanding of the robustness of dimensional
measurements to input variables and then the discipline
to control the variation within these robust
levels. For example, manufacturers should identify
safe operating windows for draw tonnage, cushion
pressure, shut height, counterbalance pressure,
air pressure, n-value, material thickness etc. They
then need to operate their processes within these
windows. If they can meet this objective, there is
little need to measure stamped parts during regular
production. However, many manufacturers
either have insufficient knowledge of the robustness
of their processes to input variables or are
not consistent in monitoring them.
Ultimately, whether a non-stable mean is acceptable
depends on the influence that the variation
will have on the assembly. In these case studies,
most assembly dimensions were robust to the variability
of their coordinated stamping dimensions.
Figure 15. X-Bar/Range Chart vs. Individuals/ Moving Range Charts
(Note: charts based on the same process data)
subgroup #
x bar Chart
xbar (i)
subgroup #
Individuals Chart
Individuals, xi
subgroup #
Range Chart
xbar (i)
subgroup #
Moving Range Chart
Moving Range
Table 26 below indicates that relatively few dimensions,
less than 5%, exhibited strong correlation.
Although stamping-to-assembly correlation is low,
some stamping dimensions with mean shifts
greater than 0.5 mm corresponded with assembly
dimensions demonstrating higher variation. Thus,
the elimination of large stamping mean shifts
would likely lead to a reduction in some assembly
Table 26. Effect of Stamping Mean Shifts on Assembly Variation
# Dimensions with # Dimensions with
Company # Coordinated Significant Stamping Mean Median assembly Median assembly
Dimensions Correlation Shift > 0.5 if shift < .5 if shift < .5
A 33 1 1 0.18 0.30
B 104 8 62 0.16 0.23
C 32 2 14 0.19 0.38
D 31 0 1 0.22 0.21
E 32 0 0 0.16 none
F 8 2 0 0.20 none
G 77 1 9 0.13 0.13
Totals 317 14 (4%) 87 (27%) Average=0.16 Average=0.25
Effect of Stamping Mean Shifts
4.0 Tolerance Considerations
4.1 Tolerances
Two objectives for assigning sheet metal tolerances
are to help insure that final assembly quality
will be met and to minimize productivity losses
during assembly because of large stamping variation.
Assigning tight tolerances help achieve this
goal. The tradeoff to assigning overly tight tolerances,
however, is that die and stamping costs
may become excessive trying to meet them. In
some respects, the tolerance has the effect of
shifting costs from stamping to assembly or from
assembly to stamping, depending on the tolerance
assigned. A reasonable and meaningful
sheet metal tolerance needs to consider the following
three factors:
• Stamping process capability:
The tolerance must reflect what a stamping
process is capable of achieving, otherwise
unnecessarily high stamping costs will accrue.
There are many current instances where
stamped parts are out of tolerance, but are being
assembled successfully. All of the benchmark
automotive manufacturers had body side outer
panels with a significant number of points out of
tolerance. This is evidence that manufacturers
tend to assign unnecessarily tight tolerances on
stamped parts, particularly for less-rigid outer
panels. When stamping plants have difficulty
meeting assigned tolerances, there is a tendency
to overlook the tolerance and wait to hear if
assembly generates build problems. This waitand-
see approach would be improved upon if
the tolerances were known to be meaningful.
• Impact on assembly:
Unlike many other rigid assembly processes, the
assembly of sheet metal affects final part geometry.
The assembly process has the ability to add
or reduce variation depending upon the components
and the assembly process. Many assembly
processes are robust to a wide range of
stamping variation showing virtually no impact
on assembly quality due to stamping variation. In
these instances, it would benefit manufacturers
to widen stamping tolerances, at least to the
point where they begin to impact assembly.
• Measurement system limitations:
Because of the impact the measurement system
has on the ability to measure stamped panels,
part tolerances need to reflect the measurement
system design. It was shown earlier that measurement
fixtures with more clamps tended to
have parts with tighter tolerances than those
measured with fixtures using fewer clamps. The
amount of observed variation with constrained
checking fixtures is less than that of less-constrained
fixtures and therefore, tighter tolerances
can be achieved.
4.2 Cp and Cpk (Pp and Ppk)
The predominant tolerance strategy used by automotive
manufacturers is to assign tolerances
which may be difficult to achieve but are believed
to help final assembly quality while reducing
assembly problems. In some cases, overly tight
tolerances are assigned; if not readily achieved,
they can be re-evaluated during development. An
advantage of this strategy is that certain parts
where all the tolerances are met are approved
without special intervention. One concern with this
strategy, however, is that many dies are unnecessarily
reworked to meet the original tolerances
even though they may not impact assembly build.
This unnecessary rework leads to delays. Since
these manufacturers often use process capability
indices to measure conformance to tolerance,
they will be discussed next.
Two process capability indices often used to compare
how well a process is achieving the design
tolerances are Cp, process capability, and Cpk,
design capability. These indices are a function of
the tolerances, part-to-part variation and mean
bias, and were developed to measure the capability
of a process relative to design intent. The formula
for Cp is:
Equation 5 Cp = USL - Nominal
3 part-part
The Cp index is determined by dividing one half of
the tolerance, where one half the tolerance equals
the upper specification limit (USL) minus the nominal,
by three standard deviations of part-to-part
variation. The formula for Cpk is:
Equation 6 Cpk = USL - Mean Bias
3 part-part
(Note: mean bias = process mean - nominal)
The Cpk index is determined similarly to Cp, except
that any mean bias is first subtracted from the
numerator. If there is no mean bias and the
process is operating exactly at the design nominal,
then Cp = Cpk. For the purpose of these calculations,
part-to-part is estimated using statistical
tables and the formula:
Equation 7 part-part = R
If the sample standard deviation is used to estimate
part-to-part rather than the above formula, then
the Cp and Cpk indices are referred to as Pp and
Ppk. Their interpretation, however, is the same
regardless of the method used to estimate part-topart.
Figure 16 below illustrates differences in Cp
and Cpk for three different scenarios.
Figure 16. Illustration of Cp and Cpk calculations for three scenarios
Tol ±1.0 ±1.0 ±1.0
0.25 0.33 0.25
Cp 1.33 1.0 1.33
Cpk 1.33 1.0 0.67
4.3 Recommended Tolerances for Sheet Metal
The tolerance guidelines shown in Table 27 on
page 36 are based on these empirical benchmark
studies. These guidelines allow consideration for
process capability, or achieving a Cp = 1.33, influence
on assembly dimensions and measurement
system limitations. They also assume that the data
is obtained without over-constrained measurement
systems. Furthermore, these tolerances only
reflect manufacturing variation about the long-term
process mean, and do not consider the ability to
hit the design nominal. Since dimensions routinely
deviate from design nominal, initial specifications
may account for both mean bias and process
variation, resulting in wider tolerances than those
shown in Table 27.
These case studies also suggest that rigid components,
typically with material gauges greater
than 1.5 mm, have greater process capability, or
smaller variation, exhibit more influence on the
assembly, and therefore warrant smaller tolerances.
Rigid components also tend to exhibit
greater repeatability from die set to die set, so both
short-term and long-term tolerances are smaller
than other components. Dimensions for non-rigid
panels are divided into two groups; mating surfaces
and non-mating surfaces. Mating surfaces
often are more critical for assembly, and thus may
have tighter tolerances than non-mating surfaces.
In all cases represented in Table 27, a tolerance
range is shown because the ability to control variation
may differ around the part. These general tolerances
are a function of the inherent sigma and
assume that a Cp of 1.67 is desired. For all three
categories, manufacturers should be able to at
least meet the high end of the tolerance guideline
based on the capability of stamping processes.
4.4 Part Tolerances and Functional Build
The assignment of part tolerances often hinges on
whether to allow for mean bias, or deviation from
nominal. The previous section recommended part
tolerances based on manufacturing variation without
consideration of mean bias. Since mean bias
is not considered, the Cp index may be used to
measure conformance to design, but Cpk is not
used. This development strategy relies on two
steps: minimize variation to an acceptable level
and evaluate the impact of mean bias on the
assembly to determine which points, if any, require
rework. Here, the assembly build is used to identify
dimensional shifts and not product specifications.
Several manufacturers use this functional
build strategy and the advantages include:
• Less die rework is needed because only dimensions
that adversely affect the final assembly are
identified for rework.
• Development lead-time is saved because less
die rework is required.
• Lower overall process variation is achieved both
in stamping and in assembly. Many engineers
believe that as the amount of die rework increases
from shifting many dimensions toward nominal,
the less robust the die becomes.
This functional build strategy may also help
improve process control because the final specifications
for mean bias and process variation are
determined during tryout and thus better reflect
process capability and the influence on assembly.
The consequence of not meeting the final tolerances
is better understood without waiting to hear
from assembly.
Table 27. General Recommended Tolerances for Stamped Parts Based on Process Capability
(Note: data based on measurements systems without over-constrained clamping)
Part Location of Inherent Tolerance to Achieve Cp > 1.67
Rigidity Dimension Sigma (tol > 3Cp or +/- 5sigma)
rigid dimensions
(~gauge > 1.5 mm) all .06 ~ .15 0.3 to 0.75
Mating Surface .10 ~ .20 0.5 to 1.0
non-rigid dimensions
(~gauge > 1.5 mm) Non-Mating .10 ~ .25 0.5 to 1.25
5.0 Conclusions and Summary
The following conclusions are based on the analysis
contains in this report and from observations
made throughout the study. Since much of the
data collection was obtained under production
conditions in a non-statistically structured manner,
the analysis is not sufficiently rigorous to establish
conclusive results in many areas. Due to the number
of product and process variables seen at a
single manufacturer, rigorous experimentation
would have severely limited the breadth of analysis.
The following general conclusions provide
insight from several manufacturers, and reflect differing
design and manufacturing strategies structured
around common operating principles of
sheet metal design, die construction and metal
forming. These conclusions also provide guidelines
to developing more rigorous research
deemed necessary at particular manufacturers
choosing to develop a more scientific approach to
stamping variation and measurement.
1. An important distinction across companies was
the type of panel measuring system used on
large, non-rigid parts like the body side and
wheelhouse outer panels. The greater the number
of clamps, the less observed variation and
mean biases were seen in the measurement
data. Constrained measurement systems had
between 16 and 22 in/out clamps, whereas the
lesser-constrained systems used from 5 to 11
clamps. The use of clamps and their location is
indicative of different dimensional validation
and process control strategies not discussed in
this report. It is important to note the difference
because of the impact on the measurement
data for large panels. Manufacturers using constrained
measurement systems also assigned
tighter tolerances to the body side. The constrained
tolerances varied from 0.3 mm to
0.50 mm, where the unconstrained tolerances
varied from 0.70 mm to 1.25 mm.
2. There are significant differences in the amount
of variation seen in larger, less-rigid parts such
as a body side outer panel versus smaller reinforcements
such as A and B pillar reinforcements.
Larger parts experience from 20% to
500% more mean bias on the average, from
0.5 mm to more than 1.0 mm for unconstrained
measured parts. The amount of mean bias
varies considerably across manufacturers
depending on many factors, including measurement
strategy, panel size and die buyoff
strategy. Large parts also demonstrate up to
twice as much variation as small parts, and the
variation is distributed across part-to-part and
mean shift variation.
3. Short-term variation is relatively small with the
95% 6-sigma less than 1.0 mm for rigid parts
and less than 2.0 mm for the body side outer,
using unconstrained measuring. If the mean
bias could be eliminated, many parts would
readily achieve a Cpk = 1.33. A significant
challenge during dimensional validation is
eliminating mean bias, particularly for large or
small complex panels.
4. Large, less-rigid panels also are more susceptible
to changes in variation due to transferring
the dies from the tryout source to the home line
and from home line tryout to future production.
In both cases, both the mean bias and the
amount of variation are likely to increase. Small,
rigid panels have smaller changes in variation
when transferring from tryout presses to the
home line. In some cases during production,
they show a decrease in mean bias from the
home line tryout. It is likely that die rework has
taken place during the production life to reduce
mean bias, and attention may have been
focused more on the rigid panels than on the
larger ones. Small, rigid panels are also less
susceptible to increased variation and mean
bias due to shipping influences than are larger
panels. Several small panels experienced from
6% to 19% of the dimensions shifting at least
0.2 mm due to shipping, whereas the wheelhouse
outer had 76% of the dimensions shift at
least 0.2 mm. The difference in the variation
increase was not as significant, where the small
panels averaged 85% of their dimensions
increasing in variation and the wheelhouse
increasing 91%.
5. Manufacturers with similar part design and
measurement systems, but with different levels
of total variation, usually experience varying
degrees of run-to-run mean shifts. As expected,
part-to-part variation is similar for manufacturers
with similar measuring strategies and product
designs. The two setup-related variables investigated
in this study, tonnage and cushion pressure,
showed a correlation with dimensional
mean shifts. No significant relationship could be
found between material property variation and
mean shift variation.
6. All stamping processes in this study operated
out of statistical control. Stamping processes
have inherent complexity making it difficult or
impossible in production to set up repeatedly
with a constant mean value on all panel dimensions.
For this reason, conventional X-bar and R
charts are inappropriate for process control
because they would routinely indicate that the
processes are out of control, despite the capability
to be assembled into acceptable bodies.
Some manufacturers are better than others at
minimizing mean shift variation, but all manufacturers
in this study are producing a significant
percentage of parts with dimensions outside
of their assigned tolerances. The meaningfulness
of currently assigned tolerances to
sheet metal part dimensions is suspect, particularly
for less rigid panels.
Appendix A - Part Sketches by Company
Locating Pin
U/D & F/A
Pillar Quarter
Detail Fixture
Pin U/D
Detail Fixture
Bodyside Outer
Locating Pin
U/D & F/A
Figure 17. Part Sketches at Company A
Figure 18. Part Sketches at Company B
Bodyside Outer
Not included:
A-Pillar Upper and Lower Reinforcement
B-Pillar Upper and Lower Reinforcement
Quarter Outer
Detail Fixture
Windshield Frame
Locating Pin
U/D & F/A
Front Pillar
Figure 19. Part Sketches at Company C
Figure 20. Part Sketches at Company D
Roof Rail
Center Pillar Bodyside Inner
Quarter Outer
Detail Fixture
Bodyside Panel
Center Pillar
Locating Pin
U/D & F/A
Pin U/D
Front Pillar
Figure 21. Part Sketches at Company
Figure 22. Part Sketches at Company F
Roof Rail
Quarter Outer
Detail Fixture
Bodyside Outer
Detail Fixture
Center Pillar
Locating Pin
U/D & F/A
Front Pillar
Figure 23. Part Sketches at Company G
Quarter Inner
AK Steel Corporation
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Dofasco Inc.
Ford Motor Company
General Motors Corporation
Ispat/Inland Inc.
LTV Steel Company
National Steel Corporation
Rouge Steel Company
Stelco Inc.
U.S. Steel Group, a Unit of USX Corporation
WCI Steel, Inc.
Weirton Steel Corporation
This publication was prepared by:
Body Systems Analysis Project Team
The Auto/Steel Partnership Program
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