Tab-视角切换Set or change 3D display riew in a riewport
Space--工具条向上翻页Page the Toolbar Up
Page Up--工具条向上翻页Page the Toolbar Up
Insert--删除指定图层内的图素Delete selected entities
Delete--删除选取的图素Dlete selected entities
0缩放图素所有轴向的大小Transform using Scale Applide to All Axes
1--单边修剪线Trim an entity to another entity
2--定点修剪线Trim an entity to a point
3--定点打断线Break an entity to a pointy
4--作弧的指令列表Create an arc
5--轴移的指令列表Transform using Delta
6--点移的指令列表Transform using Old To New
7--旋转的指令列表Transform using Rotate
8--镜射的指令列表Transform using Mirror
9--投影的指令列表Transform using Project Normal to a Plane
A--单线作面Create Tabcy1 surface by extruding a between two curves
B--连接两线Create a sp1ine that blends the gap between two curves
C--大面作小面Truncate a surface to a smaller rectangular region
D-- 重建面Refit any surface to a bi-cubic type
E--延伸面Extend an untrimmed surface along an edge
F-- 面倒等比R角面貌一新Create Fillet surface between two intersecting surfaces
G--恢愎修剪后Retrim a surface that was previors1y untrimmed
H--水平线段Create a horizontal line
I求面与面的交线Create sp1ines at the intersections of surfaces
J一组线作面Create Surface by skinning through curves
K--三或四线作面Create Surface from three or four edges
L--恢愎修剪前Untrim a surface
M--网格线作面Create Surface through a mesh of curves
N改变面的显示架构Change surf display(flowlines vs.patch boundaries)
O垂直相切实可行Create a line perpendicular to first,onto a surface
P投影线至面Create splines by projecting curves onto a surface
Q作线的指令列表Create a line
R面倒不等比R角面Create Fillet surface based on spine curve
S接合线Create a spline by chaining one or more curves together
T修剪面Trim a surface to curves or other surfaces[1]
U打断面Break a surface along an iso-curve[2]
V垂直线断Create a vertical line
W--方向与形状作面Create Surface by sweeping curves along curves
X偏移线Create a spline offset from another curve
Y改变线的方向Reverse the direction of a spline
Z--偏移面Create a spline offset from another curve
F11--调线的节点Edit a spline
F12--移动物体至指定图层Move entities from one level to another
Shift+1单边打断线Break an entity to another entity
Shift+N--输入零件档Import a CADKEY Pattern file
Shift+P输出零件档Export a CADKEY Pattern file
Shift+O转变折线为曲线Create a spline by interpolating the nodes of a Polyline
Shift+F1--帮助Display Help for a command item or screen region
Ctrl+1创作面Create Surfaces
Ctrl+2编辑面Modify a Surface
Ctrl+3-编辑线Modift a spline
Ctrl+4创作线Create Spline
Ctrl+A改变箭头方向Toggle arrow switch
Ctrl+C愎制图素至剪贴簿Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl+D修改工作平面深度Set the construction depth
Ctrl+E读取聚集指令档Play macro
Ctrl+F档案存储Save the active part file
Ctrl+G--网格点设定Set Grid and Snap Attributes
Ctrl+I计算器On-line calculator
Ctrl+J记录成聚集指令Start recording macro
Ctrl+K--暂停记录聚集指令Pause macro recording
Ctrl+L--设定当前工作层Change the active level to create entities on
Ctrl+N--等角视图尺寸Display isometric dimensions
Ctrl+P--列印出图Print/Plot the current part
Ctrl+Q-单选删除Delete single entity
Ctrl+R--清屏Redraw the part
Ctrl+S--档案存储Save the active part file
Ctrl+T--游标追踪Turn the cursor tracking display on or off
Ctrl+U--救回单一删除图素Recall the last entity deleted
Ctrl+V--设定座标细统Set VW/WLD mode
Ctrl+W-设定工作模式Set 2D/3D Construction Mode
Ctrl+X--网格点设定Set Grid and Snap Attributes
Ctrl+Z--编修视图Modify instance attributes
Ctrl+Shift+R-书面再生Regenerate display
Ctrl+Shift+V--旋转座标轴List all the levels in the part
Alt+1图层清单List all the levels in the part
Alt+2--变更属性Change an entity,s attributes
Alt+3--从曲线上建构切线向量Create tangent vectors from curves
Alt+4-改变面的方向Recall the direction of surface normals
Alt+5-相互修剪Trim two entities to each other
Alt+A-图素全屏Autoscale the part
Alt+B-显示前一书面Recall the last viewing window
Alt+C-建构倒角Create a fillet
Alt+D--放大一倍Scale the part up two tines
Alt+E--创建点Create a point
Alt+H--画面缩小一倍Scale the part down by half
Alt+I--愎原Undo last command
Alt+J--建构参数曲线Create a spline
Alt+K-定义工作座标Define a construction view
Alt+L--定义直线极限模式Set the line limit switch
Alt+M--图素筛选Set the entity selection mask
Alt+N--图层筛选Set level selection masking
Alt+O--创建圆Create a circle
Alt+P--画面平移Pan the part
Alt+Q--画面缩小一倍Scale the part down by half
Alt+R--切换资料搜寻方向Toggle database search
Alt+S--缩放画面至指定比例Scale the part and select a new center
Alt+T--设定线形Set the default entity line style
Alt+V--切换观察视面Set or change 3Ddisplay view in a viewport
Alt+W--框选放大Zoom in by selecting the new window corners
Alt+X-- 设定预定的图素颜色Set the default entity color
Alt+Y--设定线宽Set the default entity color
Alt+Z--设定预定的图素参数Set the default entity attributes
Alt+Shift+K--切换显示图纸边界Toggle paper border
Alt+Shift+V指定轴心旋转视角Rotate part dynamic [3]
Ctrl[4]+Alt+I--IGS输出Write surfaces to an IGES file
Ctrl+Alt+Y-IGS输入Read surfaces from an IGES file