Treatment of Wastewater from Electric Galvanization
Abstract:The revamping of the electric galvanization process in a cold rolling mill caused the increase of zine content in the wastewater to 800mg/L and therefore the wastewater needed to be treated before discharged.The use of a combined technology of neutralization and membrane-filtration in the treatment of the wastewater from electric galvanization made the zine content in the wastewater meet the state discharge standard and the treated wastewater can be recycled and reused.
① 中和反应及固液分离单元。这是整个水处理工艺的核心部分,充分反应有效控制pH值以使ZN2+形成Zn(OH)2沉淀析出,是确保废水合格排放的前提,而高效率的固液分离是保证合格排放的关键。本单元由3座中和反应池、3台薄膜液体过滤器以及空气搅拌装置和控制仪表等组成。
③ 污泥处理单元。由污泥收集池、泥浆泵等组成。污泥经浓缩后送压滤机压滤。
④ 盐酸活化清洗单元。由盐酸池和输送循环泵等组成。该部分是为了清洗滤膜上残存的CaSO4和Zn(OH)2以免堵塞膜孔影响过滤流量。