


汽车工程师之家 附件中心 结构原理专业知识特区 『智能座舱-物联网』 Why 802.11p beats LTE and 5G for V2x.pdf

Why 802.11p beats LTE and 5G for V2x.pdf


Why 802.11p beats LTE and 5G for V2x:
V2x communication, which involves vehicles exchanging data with each other and the infrastructure, has
proven to improve traffic safety and increase the efficiency of transportation systems. Direct Short
Range Communication (DSRC), which is based on IEEE 802.11p, has been the subject of extensive
standardization, product development and field trials by all stakeholders, proving its benefit for V2x.
Unlike cellular technologies, DSRC is ready for V2x deployment today, and addresses the most
challenging V2x use-cases.

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