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In order to evaluate the potential reduction in road accidents from measures
to reduce the incidence of under-inflated tyres it is necessary to analyse a
breakdown of these accidents by contributing factors and by the injury
outcomes of these crashes.
Accident statistics reported by State Road Authorities, the Australian
Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics
(ABS) are generally based on police accident reports. The level, details and
quality of coding varies considerably between the states and territories
(Hutchinson 2004). There are notable differences between police-reported
statistics and those collected by Compulsory Third Party insurance schemes
(McColl 2003). Furthermore no consolidated data about the full range of
Australian road accidents appears to be available.
We have therefore combined road accident information from a wide range of
sources. Due to the uncertainties about the quality of the police-reported data
and the assumptions made for extrapolating data, the following analysis
should be regarded as indicative only.
Tyre defects
In the three years from 2003-2005 tyre defects accounted for 50% of light
vehicle crashes where a vehicle defect was identified as a likely factor in NSW
(Table 1). However, the 755 crashes represent less than 1% of all reported
light vehicle crashes in this period.