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世上本来没有路,走的人多了就成了路...... 世界上本来没有新东方学校,因为来的人多了就有了新东方。但路并不是随便走出来的,而是因为走的人有共同的目的地,向着一个方向前进,才能走出一条光明大道。新东方也不是偶然成功的,而是因为有着共同理想的一批人,拧成一股绳,通过艰苦卓绝的创业和奋斗,才取得了一点成就。这些年来,新东方已经走出了一条令人激动的路,但我们未来的路更长、更艰苦,因为我们现在的理想更远大。我们希望能用我们的全部力量、智慧和生命,为中国的教育事业写下辉煌的一页。
Originally,there were no roads; roads only came into being as people began to travel along the same path. Good roads are not created when people roam aimlessly, but when they are all headed in the same direction. This is also true for the New Oriental Group; it was created as a result of people's desire to study. Like a well trodden road, New Oriental has become successful not by chance but because a group of people who shared the same dreams and aspirations worked together to blaze an exciting trail. As New Oriental continues to aim for ever greater success, the road ahead will be challenging. Through determination, wisdom and strength, New Oriental will make a name for itself as the leading provider of private education in China. |